Oaza Sigurnosti Kragujevac


Projects of our organization are had the aims:
- The creation of a society free of domestic violence by providing legal and psychosocial support to victims of domestic violence
- Creating a society with a developed network of support for victims of domestic violence through the establishment and development of inter-sectoral cooperation in the protection of victims of domestic violence and the prevention of conditions that may lead domestic violence:
- Improving the quality of women's lives through care of the health

So far our organization has completed the following projects:

  1. Psychosocial support to victims of family violence – Safe House
  2. Intersector cooperation and good practice in the protection of victims of domestic violenc
  3. IT communication platform
  4. Economic empowerment of victims of violence
  5. Prevention of cervix cancer for women in rural area
  6. Gender and the visual arts in the region Šumadija
  7. Improving the protection of victims of domestic violence through establishment of system for monitoring and evaluation of inter-sectoral cooperation
  8. Initiative for rural women

Ministarstvo inostranih poslova republike Češke

Ceritas Czech Republic

Češka razvojna agencija

Dobrotvorni fond ADRA

Mlekara Šabac