Oaza Sigurnosti Kragujevac


Oaza Sigurnosti is a nonprofit civil society organization, registered in 2008, and established by 10 individuals.

Oaza Sigurnosti mission and purpose is to build civil society of equal citizens, tolerant to all diversities; to strengthen the relationships and partnerships between institutions and NGO sector; develop local initiatives for improvement of quality of life, as well as to democratize relationships within the family.

Our target groups are: women and particularly women from vulnerable groups, such as: women victims of violence, women from rural areas, Roma women, women with disabilities, etc.

Oaza Sigurnosti is a member of the Network “Women against violence” of the Republic of Serbia – network of CSOs and Women Against Violence Europe – WAVE Network. Our organization is a signatory to the Protocol on cross-sector cooperation in the protection of the victims of domestic violence of the city of Kragujevac, the Protocol on cooperation of civil and public sector and Memorandum of development of the civil sector of the city of Kragujevac; we had representatives in development of the Strategy for social protection of the city of Kragujevac and the National Strategy for the Prevention and Suppression of Violence against Women and in Family Relations and in Partnership Relationships.

Also, Oaza Sigurnosti has experienced team of trainers with longstanding expertise in local partnerships development and gender mainstreaming. In addition, they have been working on establishing of comprehensive protection mechanisms for victims/survivors of violence: psychosocial and legal support, material support and different measures of empowerment of victims for the purpose of their rehabilitation and integration in the society.

Oaza Sigurnosti has been providing gender sensitive legal support for women victim of domestic violence since 2008.We have started with psychological support since 2018., and we are focused in women from multiple marginalized groups such: rural women, Roma women, disabled women, etc.

Our organization has participated in GREVIO report from Serbia for Istanbul convention implementation, and examples of our

core activities are included in following projects:

• 2017 - ``Sensitization of inter-sectoral teams on gender aspect of domestic violence and violence against children `` Activities are implemented within the joint project Integrated Response to Violence against Women and Girls in Serbia II, through the partnership of UNICEF, UN Women, UNFPA and UNDP and the Government of the Republic of Serbia and led by the Coordination Body for Gender Equality. The overall objective of the Integrated Response to Violence against Women and Girls in Serbia II is development of social and institutional environment that will contribute to zero tolerance and elimination of violence against women in Serbia. Joint actions of UN agencies and Governmental bodies contribute to solving the problem of domestic violence and violence in partner relations, enhance support to women, girls and their families and create society which does not tolerate violence. The project is implemented with the support of the Government of Sweden.

• 2016 - ``Supporting Serbian local authorities to combat domestic violence``

The Project funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and the aim of the project was to sensitize employees in institutions that provide services to victims of domestic violence in the Central Serbia. The project was realized in the territory of municipalities: Arandjelovac, Topola, Raca, Batocina, Laopvo and Knić. The survey conducted aimed to find out the attitudes of the local population and the employees of the institutions about domestic violence. Procedures for the institutions service provision in cases of domestic violence were created and 4 local agreements on cross-sectoral cooperation agreements were signed, in Batocina, Lapovo, Raca and Knić.

• 2013/2014 - “Improving the protection of victims of domestic violence through establishment of system for

monitoring and evaluation of inter-sectorial cooperation``

Funded by EU Delegation in Republic of Serbia. A survey was carried out on a sample of 500 respondents on the results of the implementation of the Protocol on Inter-sectorial cooperation in Kragujevac after 5 years from signing the Protocol and the results were published. As a result,6 focus groups with representatives of institutions and the civil sector and 6 workshops for the population in the rural area of the Sumadija region were organized, and indicators were created for the implementation and adoption of the Protocol on Inter-Sectoral cooperation in case of family violence.

• 2013/2014.- ``Initiative for rural women`` Advocacy project funded by Trag foundation was realized and the main results were:4 women’s associations in rural areas were registered, exhibition of female creativity was organized, petition was submitted to the city administration with a request for the budget of the city of Kragujevac to determine special line for women's associations in rural areas.

• 2010/2012 - “Support to prevention of cancer in women of Sumadija region 2010 - 2012”

Finance by Czech Development Agency, CDA. The aim of this project was raising awareness of rural women about how important regular gynecological examinations are. 52 workshops on female health with 930 participants were organized. Project team included 9 gynecologists and 12 nurses and performed examinations of 4292 women. The project budget paid specialization for 2 gynecologists. Also, for medical team within the project, 3 trainings about prevention and new methods of treatment of cervical cancer were organized. http://www.mzv.cz/jnp/en/foreign_relations/development_cooperation_and_humanitarian/bilateral_development_ cooperation/evaluation/index.html

• 2008/2010 - ``Building a Center for the Protection of Victims of Domestic Violence in the Sumadija Region - Safe House``This project we had realized from April 2008 to April 2010. The target group were women victims of family violence. Team of Oaza Sigurnosti developed and implemented programs of psychosocial support for women in the Shelter. The Safe House provided shelter, food and care for women and children victims of family violence as well women from rural areas (9%) and Roma women (13%). During their stay in Safe House, users could use the services of lawyers, psychologists, and could participate in various workshops that are organized in order to strengthen their confidence. We implemented the project in partnership with the organization ADRA Serbia and the Centre for Social Welfare. It was financed by the Government of Czech Republic and the City of Kragujevac. Oaza Sigurnosti worked on developing and providing services of social protection from 2006 to April 2010 and later. After that period, Center for Social Work ‘’ Solidarnost’’ from Kragujevac took over these services.

Oaza has experience in training on domestic violence prevention and gender-based violence. Training team organized education programs for representatives of institutions that work with victims of domestic violence in the cities Novi Pazar, Jagodina, Gornji Milanovac, Velika Plana, Boljevac and in the municipalities of Šumadija region: Topola, Aranđelovac, Batočina, Rača, Lapovo and Knić, and in total 619 participants were trained.

Oaza Sigurnosti was a pioneer in implementation of very innovative services and activities not only in Kragujevac, but also in Serbia. One these innovations were: establishment of Safe house for urgent protection of victims of domestic violence (now led by the local CSR); foundation of social enterprise for the employment of women survivors of violence; development of software for the purpose of monitoring reported and prosecuted cases of violence; establishment of Helpline for victims, psychosocial and legal support for victims, etc.

Ministarstvo inostranih poslova republike Češke

Ceritas Czech Republic

Češka razvojna agencija

Dobrotvorni fond ADRA

Mlekara Šabac