Oaza Sigurnosti Kragujevac

Completed projects

Completed projects

Initiative for rural women
01.07.2013. – 01.07.2014.- ``Initiative for rural women`` funded by Trag foundation  with overall budget 13.697 USA$.  Advocacy projects. 4 registered women's associations in rural areas, organized an exhibition of female creativity, submitted a petition to the city administration with a request to the budget of the city of Kragujevac determined a special line for women's associations in rural areas.

Improving the protection of victims of domestic violence through establishment of system         for monitoring and evaluation of inter-sectoral cooperation
30.04.2013. – 29.04.2014 - “Improving the protection of victims of domestic violence through establishment of system for monitoring and evaluation of inter-sectoral cooperation funded by Eu Delegation in Republic of Serbia with overall budget 99.724 €. The project involved all signatories the Protocol on the protection of victims of domestic violence. Conducted research on the implementation of the protocol. 500 respondents, 300 victims and 200 employees of institutions and organizations that work with victims of violence. To create indicators for monitoring the implementation of the Protocol

Gender and the visual arts in the region Šumadija
The project are started in 2012 and  designed as a research work aimed to investigate the presence of feminist approaches to understanding creativity and visual artists in the territory of hills. The case study examined the attitudes and opinions of the creators of the field of visual arts, specifically, a student of the visual arts and the teaching staff of Philology and Arts in Kragujevac , as well as members of the Association of Artists of Kragujevac  in the area of influence of gender on artistic creativity and aesthetic attitudes

Prevention of cervix cancer for women in rural area
Since 1. September . 2010. till 31. December 2012. Oaza Sigurnosti start this project  funded by the Government of the Czech Republic, and implemented in partnership with Caritas organization from Prague, and Health Center in Kragujevac. The objective of this project was raising awareness of rural women about how important regular gynecological examinations. The results were 52 workshops on female health with 930 participants were organized. Project team included 9 gynaecologists and 12 nurses and performed examinations of 4292 women. Specialization was played for 2 gynaecologists. 3 trainings for medical team were organized about prevention and new methods of treatment of cervical cancer.

Economic empowerment of victims of violence
In cooperation with the Regional Agency for Economic Development and Pomoravlje Sumadije, local government and Credy Bank, we provided the funds for three women who stayed at Safe House to start their own businesses.

IT communication platform
The aim of the project was to set up a web site and establishment of a journal in relation to domestic violence. Web site was created, and during 2009 we issued two yearly editions of the magazine “Safe Family”. Sustainability of the project was to be provided by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of the Republic of Serbia.

Intersector cooperation and good practice in the protection of victims of domestic violence
The project was implemented in Kragujevcu and 7 cities in Serbia. A Protocol was signed in Kragujevac in October 2008 on inter-sector cooperation in protection of victims of domestic violence. The signatories to the Protocol were the Center for social work, police administration, school administration, health institutions, our organizations and local government. Through this project, treatment procedures have been developed in the process of protecting victims of domestic violence in institutions in Kragujevac, which signed the Protocol (7 procedures that are part of the Protocol), training were conducted for employees of the institutions in 7 cities in Serbia, and models of cooperation of institutions in the protection of victims of violence in family were developed following the example of Kragujevac. In four cities (Gornji Milanovac, Novi Pazar, Boljevac and Majdanpek) protocols were signed on inter-sector cooperation. The project was financed by     the Government of the Czech Republic, and realized in partnership with Adra Serbia.     Kragujevac is the first city in Serbia that has developed procedures for handling situations of     domestic violence and developed inter-institutional cooperation.

Psychosocial support to victims of family violence – Safe House
This project we had realized from April 2008 to April 2010. The target group was women victims of family violence. Activists of our organizations had developed programs of psychosocial support , and implemented them while running the Safe House. The Safe House has provided shelter, food and care for women and children victims of family violence. During their stay in Safe House users could use the services of lawyers, psychologists, to participate in various workshops that were organized in order to strengthen their confidence. Volunteers of our organization helped children who have been in the Safe House to cope with the school curriculum. In implementation of the activities we used the services of the Centre for Social Welfare, Police, Health Center and other institutions. 125 persons resided at the Safe House from year 2008 to June 2010. We implemented the project in partnership with the organization Adra Serbia and the Centre for Social Welfare and Solidarity, and were financed by the Government of Czech Republic and the City of Kragujevac . Since April 2010 the City has been financing all the costs Safe House, and accommodation in the Safe House for victims of violence in the family is recognized as a special right in the field of social protection.

Ministarstvo inostranih poslova republike Češke

Ceritas Czech Republic

Češka razvojna agencija

Dobrotvorni fond ADRA

Mlekara Šabac